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Magnolia's Fall From Grace Page 3
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Page 3
I was steps away from the tree line when a voice called out, startling me. “Yo, Venom, where the fuck are you going? Did you take my smokes?”
My brother was shirtless, his huge tattoos on full display. His faded jeans were slung low on his waist, and his boxers were peeking out.
“Ever heard of a shirt? We aren’t at home, ya know.” I held out the pack to him and then shook my wet hair at him to piss him off.
“Fuck, Venom, you just wet my cigarette.” He jabbed my shoulder hard.
I ran my hands through my hair and lit a smoke myself. “Did you see that girl go into the woods?”
“What girl?”
“Forget it.” I shook my head. “You better get ready. We gotta eat and load up those trucks in less than an hour.”
“Yeah, alright, I’ll meet you at the food tent in half an hour.” Viper stretched and stomped out his cigarette.
Two hours later, along with several other guys around our age, we pulled into the job site. The buses with the other volunteers were already in groups getting instructions.
“You boys will be managing all this power equipment. This tent will need to be put up and be your work area, rain or shine. At the end of every day, you’ll be responsible for cleaning up your tent and locking away all the tools in these trucks that you’ll drive back to camp.” Paul held his clipboard and pointed to the poles and tarps that would be an eighteen-by-twenty-four-feet outdoor garage tent.
“Someone will be around in the morning to drop off a full cooler of ice and drinks for you all. We get out here at 7 a.m. to beat the heat. We break at ten for lunch and work until 2 p.m., clean up, and be back to the campground at 3:30.”
“Got that, Virgil, is it?” Paul walked to my brother, who was already messing with the equipment.
“Yeah, I got it.”
We had the tent constructed in less than an hour. The heat was already intense, but the white tarp made it a little more bearable.
“Can I bum a smoke? I left mine at the cabin,” Jacob, one of our cabinmates, asked.
I held out my pack as I sat on the cooler and watched as one house that was just a shell transform with all-new framing. I wanted to be a carpenter, but nope, we got stuck with fixing, filling, and distributing all the equipment.
At the end of the day, when we were cleaning up, I heard a small voice. “Excuse me.” It was soft and sweet. “Um, are you in charge here?”
I turned around to meet the face of an angel. Her fair skin had a slight pink from the sun, and her blonde hair was in a long braid falling over her shoulder.
“Well, hello, beautiful.” Viper stepped in front of me. “I can help you with anything—and I mean, anything—you need.” He added a small growl at the end. Her green eyes grew wide. She almost looked scared. She gulped and took a step back.
“I got this.” I pushed my brother out of the way. “What can I help you with, doll? I hope my brother didn’t scare you.”
When her eyes met mine, I almost lost my words. The green in them was flecked with yellow and gold and felt like they were looking straight into my soul.
She bit down on her lip and twirled the end of her braid. “I-I…” She cleared her throat. “I’m working in the medical tent. She turned and pointed to the white tent with the big red cross in a red circle. “I was told I could get an extension cord here.”
“How long?”
“I got a long one,” Viper chimed in.
I could see the pink rise up her neck, and her whole face blushed red.
“Never mind, I’ll get the doctor to pick it up.” She started to turn away.
I grabbed her arm. “Wait.” She pulled back her arm and looked at me. “Sorry. Here.” I handed her a yellow and orange bundle of cords. “One is ten feet, the other is twenty-five. Bring back what you don’t need.” She pressed her lips together and nodded. “I’m Vincent, by the way. And that,” I pointed to my brother, “that jerk is my twin, Virgil.”
“You can call me Viper.” He flashed her a devilish grin and winked.
“Magnolia.” The prettiest name I had ever heard rolled off her tongue in a sweet Southern accent. With just her name, she spun shyly and beelined back to her tent.
“That is one fine piece of ass. And a virgin too, I bet.” Viper had that look of challenge in his eyes. “And did ya see her rack?” He held his hands in front of his chest.
I spun the towel in my hands and cracked it across his arm.
“Fuck, that stung. What the fuck was that for?” He rubbed the already welting area.
“Keep it in your pants. We’re going to the clubhouse tomorrow where we can get our fill of free, easy, nonvirgin pussy.”
I continued to watch her walking when I saw Jacob, who had helped someone move a generator, stop Magnolia. He took the wires from her hands and walked her into the medical tent. Something about his kind act made me want to punch him in the face. There was something about her, I didn’t know what, but I was going to find out.
Chapter 3
Shannon’s Walkman batteries had died, so she talked nonstop the whole ride back, although I didn’t hear much of what she said. My brain kept wandering off to the dark-haired, purple-eyed boy with dimples. The look he gave me sent a tremble through my whole body. He was everything I knew good girls should stay away from. I’d never been around a rowdy bunch like them. Heck, I had never even known someone with a tattoo.
“So, what do you think?” Shannon asked.
“Sorry, I’m drained. I think I spaced out.” I scrunched up my shoulders.
Shannon closed her eyes, shaking her head. “I asked if you think Tara’s bus came in while we were gone.”
I didn’t need to answer. As we arrived back at camp, a new group was getting the welcome tour. Shannon and I met each other’s eyes, knowing the answer.
“Shannon!” A tall and tan bleach-blonde was waving her arm. Her already short yellow sundress rode up even higher as she waved.
“Hey, Shannon!” she shouted louder.
“Here we go.” Shannon gritted her teeth and pulled on my tee shirt.
“Oh no, you don’t. You’re coming with me. Might as well get it out of the way now.” I groaned as she pulled me along.
Tara’s face twisted and eyes narrowed when she saw me in tow. She crossed her arms, standing next to three overstuffed bags. Where did she think she was going? This wasn’t Club Med.
“Shannon, why are you with her?”
“Nice to see you too, Tara. I didn’t know you were volunteering.”
“Ha!” She threw her head back, her thick blonde hair gleaming in the sun. “I had to. I needed more ‘extracurricular’ volunteer work,” her fingers making air quotes “for my college admissions. Sister Theresa signed off on it so I could get my scholarship. Your mom was nice enough to help get me a spot so I could spend time with my cousin.”
She swept her disapproving head-to-toe glare over Shannon. “It figures you two nerds would find each other. Anyhow, Shannon, take my bags to my cabin so I can get a shower.” She waved her fingers toward the bags.
“I’m not your maid. Bring them yourself,” Shannon said in a dismissive tone.
“Well… What kind of cousin are you?”
I didn’t know why, but I felt sad for the girl who had bullied me through most of school.
“How about we help you carry them?” I nudged Shannon who gave me a look like I was crazy. I just shrugged my shoulders and grabbed a bag that felt as if it were stuffed with a dead body.
By the time we showered and went to grab dinner, Tara had already made friends and had a small clique of girls following her and hanging on every word the beautiful debutante spoke.
“Hey, everyone, I hope you all enjoyed dinner. The fried catfish was generously donated by Catfish Al from his tavern in town. Be sure to stop there if you make it in town. He has the best crab fries around! Since it’s Friday, we will be having our first bonfire tonight at nine. It’s up the hill in
the clearing where all the tree stumps are. Don’t forget to find a branch on your way up. There will be s’mores.”
At eight forty-five, Tara’s cabin door opened, and laughter spilled out along with her new gang of girls in the shortest jean shorts I had ever seen, and the amount of perfume and hairspray that trailed them was going to attract every mosquito in Louisiana.
Shannon was watching from her top bunk. “Should we go to the bonfire? I mean, who can turn down s’mores? Maybe that boy you kept looking at during dinner will be there.” She wiggled her eyebrows.
“What boy?” I asked like I had no idea.
“I may wear thick glasses, but I’m not blind. The one that was staring at you.”
“He was?” I was so nervous Vincent would catch me looking that I just kept stealing glances. He and his gang of outcasts were all eating outside at the picnic tables. They were loud and laughing and acting like there was no one else around. The boys were tan and showing off their tattoos and muscles in tight tees and jeans as they chain-smoked cigarettes and goofed around.
“I don’t think so. I don’t feel like being around Tara and her new groupies.”
“Okay. Fine by me. Maybe next time.” Shannon lay back, crossed her feet at her ankles, and pressed play on the Guns N’ Roses album again.
The past few mornings, I had been taking my journal and a towel and setting out to my secret place in the woods while Shannon stayed asleep.
I spread out my towel by the river under a towering cypress tree. There was something about this particular one—its trunk was submerged in the water, and its knuckles surrounded its base, making it sturdy. Spanish moss was woven through it, giving the mostly bald tree a canopy on the riverbank. I never felt closer to God than when I sat alone in nature, observing the wondrous creations that seemed impossible to not be without the hand of God. Some may find the sounds of the bayou scary, the croaking frogs and calls of birds. Remnants of an old bridge crossing were submerged in the water and created a soft trickle as the river moved through it.
I lay back on the towel and looked up at the trees. I watched an egret spread its giant wings as it flew over me before landing in the water. How great it must be to feel so free. I was only eighteen but felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. I knew I was meant for more than being some rich guy’s wife and spending time at the country club.
A branch snapped from behind me and I shot up, not wanting to be gator food. I turned to look, but no one was there.
I opened my journal to the next clean page. I doodled a little of the scene before me as I inhaled the air and wrote about yesterday. I added a few items to the growing list of things I wanted to experience. I was not always open to sharing my feelings with anyone, so I kept them here, safe within these pages. I started a new book the day before I left. The first entry was about leaving home. The second had the picture of Paige and me that Viola gave me.
I continued to write but felt like someone was watching me. I quickly shut my book and turned again, but I still saw no one. The hairs on my arms stood up, telling me it was time to go.
“Remember, boys, you have to be back by tomorrow morning. And don’t go getting into any trouble,” Jeremy reminded us.
I was sure he was regretting his words when a vintage pickup blaring “Bad to the Bone” pulled up and backfired loudly. We were heading to the clubhouse for the weekend. It had been years since we’d been there.
We both took off to greet our brother, Vicious, and Mongo, a friend we knew growing up. They made quite a scene in their cutoff jean vests with our club patch prominently displayed on their backs.
Vicious had a fully detailed snake tattoo that wrapped around his forearm and continued up to his neck. He was four years older, but everyone said he and I looked more alike than Viper and I did.
“There are my baby brothers! Let’s go!” He whistled.
“Yeah! Took you long enough!” Viper called out as he took our vests from Vicious’s outstretched arm. He threw my vest to me.
As I put it on and hopped on the truck’s bed with Viper, I noticed the stares we were getting. A girl I hadn’t seen before was sauntering over with two others behind her.
“Wait, Vicious. Don’t go anywhere yet.” Viper squeezed his shoulder.
“Well, hello, boys.” The blonde pulled her sunglasses up onto her head and let her eyes fall on each of us before coming back to me.
“Where are you headed?” She bit the side of her lip and rested her hands on her hips. “It’s so boring around here.”
“Well, ladies, we have some club business this weekend,” Viper said as he pointed to the patch on his back. He pulled out his cigarettes from his pocket, putting one between his lips before offering them the pack. The blonde smiled, taking one. He lit both with one flame. Her tits were pushed together, and I could see right down her shirt as she leaned in for the light.
“Too bad, we were looking to find some fun. I’m Tara, by the way, this is Ashley and DeeDee.”
“Vicious, Mongo, Venom, and I’m Viper,” Viper said as he leaned into the boobsy blonde.
“Ladies, I have to take the boys this weekend, but next Saturday we’re having a party at Marsh Creek, not far from here. You should come,” Vicious announced.
“Count us in.” Tara looked at me. “Well, I guess we’ll see you around.”
“Oh, you will,” Viper yelled as Vicious revved the engine and howled as we drove out of the campground.
The wind whipped against my face as Vicious sped through the country roads to the private clubhouse on the other side of the Marsh Creek Bayou.
Vicious began to honk the horn, alerting all the members that we were here—our home away from home. A club prospect opened the gate to let us in, and I spotted Ringer and Torch working on a vehicle in the yard.
“My boys!” Sienna dropped her laundry basket and rushed toward us to give us both a squeeze. Sienna was Sissy’s mom and a second mother to us. Her hair was as bright red as I remembered. In true biker mom fashion, she had on her white tank top with the Cajun Kings logo and a tight pair of jeans. She had Sissy at fifteen. She was only in her thirties and still looked pretty hot.
“Boys, you have grown so much. I can’t believe you’re here.” Her eyes glistened, and her grin was wide. She pinched Viper’s side. “Doesn’t Voodoo feed you? You’re too skinny.”
“I miss your cooking.” I picked her up and spun her around before kissing her cheek.
“Well, I hope you’re hungry. I made you a feast to celebrate y’all coming.”
“Fuckin’ woman wouldn’t let us have a thing until you two arrived.” Ringer tightened his bandana over his head as he came over and pulled each of us in for a half hug and a handshake he had taught us when we were boys.
Sienna disappeared into the house and came out with a tray of six ice-filled glasses and lemon wedges with a massive pitcher of her sweet tea.
“Yes.” I swiped a drink and began to pour the dark amber into my glass. I swirled it around and then chugged the whole glass.
Ringer pulled a flask of whiskey from his vest. He filled the bottom of his cup before offering it to us and then topping it with tea.
“God, I’ve missed this place.” I inhaled the scent of Sienna’s famous pecan pie, something I’d never forget. My mouth watered. “Do I smell your—”
“Yup. Pecan pie. I also made all your favorites—baked beans, corn, spicy fried okra, and hush puppies. Oh, and the ribs will be ready soon.”
“Ahhh, Sienna, why’d you ever leave us?” I grabbed and gave her another big squeeze.
“Why don’t you two take a walk around while I finish getting everything ready for lunch. Be back in half an hour.” Sienna winked.
Viper and I followed the path to the area we used to play in when we were kids.
“This place seems so much bigger than when we were little.” I stood on the thick tree that had fallen into the creek and skipped another rock across the water.
“Remember when we used to spend hours here fishing when we would visit Paw-paw? He taught us just about every animal that inhabited this area.” Viper pointed at the bullfrog that was peeking out from the reeds.
“Think we will see him soon?” I asked as the next rock splashed across the water before disappearing below the surface.
Viper tugged on the old rope swing. “Why do you still care? You know how he feels about the club. He’d cut us all out of his life when Voodoo wouldn’t change how he was running things.”
I hopped off the log, pointing to the garages that sat atop the hill. “Come on.”
We began to walk up to the open bays using a long stick to push away the tall weeds covering the path. “I know… But he’s still family.” I shrugged.
Viper stopped and turned to me, placing one hand on my shoulder and pointing his arm toward the old house. “That’s our family. The brothers in the Cajun Kings, the ones who always have our backs. You better never forget it.”
We walked the rest of the way in silence, only the sound of insects cutting the thick air. My mind kept going back to early this morning. For the third day in a row, I followed Magnolia into the woods and watched as she spread out a towel and wrote in her book. Today, I almost got caught. Twice she turned around like she knew someone was there. I wanted to talk to her, but I didn’t know what to say. She was way out of my league. I’d asked around about the girl working with the doctor and heard she was some nunnish brainiac. I knew whatever would come out of my mouth would never interest her. Although, I had caught her looking at me a few times.
The garage bays were open. Rock music blared from a classic red Firebird with freshly painted flames stretching down its side. The music was so loud no one heard us approach. Viper pointed to bare feet and long legs stemming from short shorts that showed the curve of this girl’s ass as she leaned over to paint the hood. Her hair was tucked under a baseball cap. She was wearing a small tube top, barely able to hold in her massive tits. Her voice cracked as she sang along to The Black Crowes’s “Hard to Handle.” Viper turned down the music, causing the beauty to suddenly stop.