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Magnolia's Fall From Grace Page 6

  “So, I’ll see you tomorrow at the party?” I cleared my throat, pulling my eyes away from the gaze I was getting lost in.

  “Yes, Vincent.” She reached up and tousled my hair playfully. “Tomorrow,” she repeated as she disappeared behind her door.

  Chapter 6


  I settled on my towel, feeling protected by the giant cypress and my new friend, the egret that came here to dine every morning.

  With the strokes of my blue pen, I poured my heart onto the page. I almost couldn’t write the next words. If I did, I would genuinely be admitting to myself that I indeed had a crush on Vincent.

  I should’ve been afraid when I saw him with that blade in his hand the day we were attacked by thugs. Instead, I’d never felt safer than in his presence. His tattoos alone would’ve normally had me running shy. We were polar opposites. I didn’t know what I was thinking when I agreed to go to his party. I’d only been to a formal party at our country club with my parents in attendance.

  I doodled a picture on the page, a girl in a long dress with a boy’s arms wrapped around her. His eyes were purple. With each line of the colored pens, I imagined the image was real. What would that feel like, being in Vincent’s arms? We were so different, but I just couldn’t help the flip that my stomach did every time he smiled at me.

  I was drawing the medal he wore when the hair on my neck stood and goosebumps formed. Like before, I scanned the area and saw nothing. I tucked the book under my arm and zipped my pens closed, sweeping up the towel I sat on.

  I beelined it to the main house where I could smell coffee in the air. Grabbing us both some, I kept on alert as I walked back to our cabin.

  “Morning.” I placed the steaming Styrofoam cup of coffee on the tiny dresser, sliding over her large stack of black rubber bracelets. Shannon pushed her headphones down her neck.

  “Thanks.” She smiled, then picked up her cup and inhaled. “I could get used to this. We should always live together.”

  I tossed a wadded-up paper at her.

  “You ready for today?” She asked, studying me as she took a sip of her coffee.

  “No, but I promised we’d go.” I sighed as the butterflies returned to my stomach.

  “Vincent said to come around three. There would be swimming and a cookout before the bonfire.”

  “Will you do my hair before we go?” She blinked with those puppy dog eyes again.

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Good! Now, Magnolia, meet Nirvana.” She pressed play on her boombox and began singing along to another song. Shannon was loving introducing me to her favorite albums.

  At two-thirty, we had our backpacks stuffed with towels, sunscreen, bug spray, and anything else we could fit.

  “You’re not bringing a bathing suit? But they said swimming?”

  I shook my head. “I’m not getting in a bathing suit in front of them, no way!”

  I slipped into the ankle-length, soft-pink cotton tank top–style maxi dress and slid on my flip-flops. This was as close to barefoot as I was getting.

  We got a ride from Paul and Catherine. They were headed that way and dropped us at the entrance. Others arrived wearing swimsuits and carrying towels. I guessed we were in the right spot.

  “Are you sure about this?” Catherine asked as she eyed Shannon and me before looking back to the guy who had on jeans and a jacket in ninety-degree heat, dismounting a giant black motorcycle with a naked woman painted on its side.

  “Heck, yeah,” Shannon answered for us as she flung open the door, grabbing my hand and tugging me out of the vehicle.

  “Thanks for the ride. We will call the center if we need a ride home,” I yelled to Paul and Catherine. Both looked concerned but gave a wave and went off to see Paul’s mom, who lived a town over.

  “C’mon, let’s go.” Shannon pulled me along, following the others. I could hear music and laughter. Up the driveway, the party was in full swing. Uncomfortable was an understatement of how I felt as we looked for a familiar face.


  It was midafternoon, and Marsh Creek was buzzing with hot girls and rowdy boys. The smell of charcoal and burgers filled the air. There were only about thirty people, but it seemed like way more in the clearing. Sissy borrowed a generator from the garage and had a stereo and speakers set up. We could be as loud as we wanted. This marsh was on our land, and no one could hear us back here.

  “Don’t you ever wear shoes?” I asked as Sissy stole the lit smoke dangling between my lips as I drove another tiki torch into the ground.

  “Nope.” She wiggled her painted toes that were sporting little silver rings. She took a long drag and swept her fiery hair to one side of her neck. Her tiger eyes were outlined in dark black, and a diamond was on the side of her nostril.

  “That needs to be closer to the others if we don’t want to get eaten alive tonight.” She placed the cigarette back between my lips. I took another drag as I moved the stake closer to the others, using brute force to get it to stay in the ground.

  “You big jerk,” a girl squealed as she was swept off a rock and tossed into the water with a loud splash. Another boy flew over their head on the rope swing, landing next to them. The girl popped out of the water, holding her bikini top that had fallen on impact.

  I laughed and gratefully accepted the beer from the keg Vicious had just tapped. My jeans were sticking to my legs, and I had my tank top tucked in my back pocket when long blonde hair caught my attention. Maggie was walking up the path with her friend.

  I wiped the sweat from my brow and tied my bandana around my head. I waved her over to where chairs were set up under the shade of a large tree.

  “Hey, ladies, you made it,” I yelled over the music that Sissy had just turned up. Maggie’s eyes were traveling all over the place. Sissy was dancing on top of a speaker, belting out “Pour Some Sugar on Me” as others clapped and sang along.

  “I’m going to like her.” Shannon smiled, revealing her mouth full of braces.

  “You guys want a beer?” I offered to get two cups off the stack.

  “No, thank you,” Maggie Grace rushed out.

  “I’ll have one!”

  “Shannon, we aren’t twenty-one,” Maggie whispered.

  “Come on, who's going to tell out here? Let’s have an adventure,” Shannon coaxed.

  I liked Shannon.

  Handing both girls the cups, I watched the grimace on Maggie Grace’s face as she took a sip.

  “You’ll get used to it.” I chuckled.

  Viper and Sissy joined in the shade before we could go anywhere. Sissy’s makeup was melting down from her eyes when I saw them land on the girls.

  “Who are they?” Sissy asked protectively.

  Viper dropped his arms over the two. “This beautiful angel is Magnolia,” he squeezed her close, “and this wild child is Shannon, right?”

  “You got it.” Shannon blushed.


  I gripped the red cup, the bubbles replacing the little foam in the gold liquid when I took that first sip. I broke the law the moment the bitter drink hit my tongue.

  As Vincent led us on the property tour, I could feel his friend Sissy staring daggers into my back. I couldn’t help but marvel at the gorgeous red-haired beauty. She was wild as the wind in a storm. Everything about her was bold—her hair, her makeup, she even had an earring in her nose! Her jean shorts were as small as bikini bottoms, and her tube top was almost unable to keep her breasts covered. She had a ring through her belly button that made me cringe imagining how much that hurt. In the short while that I had been around her, I learned she cussed like a sailor, didn’t like shoes, smoked like a chimney, and was fiercely protective of Vincent and Viper.

  “Girls, I gotta run and grab more charcoal. Make yourselves at home. Sissy will take good care of ya, won’t you?” He nudged her.

  I didn’t miss the death glare Sissy shot at Vincent before he took off up the hill.

  “Why don’t
you girls put on your bathing suits and give the rope swing a try?” Sissy pointed to the rope that was tied high to a branch.

  “No, thank you. I don’t like heights,” I immediately replied.

  Sissy rolled her eyes.

  “I’ll do it,” Shannon spoke up. I could tell she was impressed with Sissy and wanted to show her she belonged here.

  “Are you sure, Shannon? It looks dangerous.” I bit the side of my lip, shielding my eyes from the sun. My eyes traveled up to where the rope was tied to a long branch over the water.

  “It’ll be fun, Maggie Grace. Drink your beer and loosen up,” Shannon whispered, nudging me with her elbow. “I’ll be back.” She followed Sissy.

  I found a spot in the grass on the riverbank partially covered in the shade from a nearby tree. I spread the towel in my bag and plopped down, watching Sissy lead Shannon to the tree with pieces of wood nailed into it, creating a ladder up to the swing.

  Music and laughter filled the air, the sounds of fun. Why couldn’t I relax? I looked at my warming cup of beer and considered pouring it into the grass. There were a few people ahead of Shannon in line for the swing. I leaned back on my elbows, closed my eyes, and inhaled the smell of summer in Louisiana. It was the scent of freedom, at least for those taking advantage of it. I hoped someday I could embrace it the way they did.

  A large shadow fell over my face.

  “Hey, can we join you?”

  I flashed one eye open. “Uh, yeah, of course.” I swallowed hard and moved over on the towel as Viper and his giant friend took spots next to me.

  “Magnolia, this is Mongo.” The guy was well over six feet when he stood, with curly brown hair and a look of seriousness on his face.

  “Nice to meet you, Mongo.” I offered my hand and my best Southern greeting. He didn’t speak, just glared at me. The pit in my stomach confirmed I was not meant to be here.

  Viper picked up my cup, eyeing the full beer. “Our beer not fancy enough for you? You’re probably accustomed to those ‘rich girl’ fruity foo-foo drinks.” He brought his mouth to my cup, taking a large gulp.

  “Magnolia, you don’t seem comfortable here. Why did you come?” His face revealed no emotion, and I could see the resemblance between the twins, who were far from identical.

  “Vincent asked me to come.” Fortunately, I didn’t need to say anything more as Shannon shouted my name from across the bank. She was slowly walking across the thick branch and holding on to the rope as she prepared to jump. She waved to me, and I waved back. Shannon screamed gleefully as she leapt off the edge, swinging over the middle of the water before letting go. Her peals of laughter were followed by a giant splash. I couldn’t help but smile when she resurfaced with both arms in the air, pumping in victory.

  “Well, at least she’s trying to fit in,” Viper spoke again.

  I turned to face him. “I’m sorry, does my being here make you uncomfortable?”

  “Yes, it does. You’re a distraction that my brother doesn’t need. You’re just a challenge to him. See, he’s gotten used to all the fast pussy he could want around here.” He swept his arm out, spanning across the property, so I could notice the girls everywhere. I looked at my sundress that reached my ankles.

  “I really don’t know what you mean, but I was invited by Vincent, and until he says the same, I’ll enjoy the party.” I retrieved my cup from him and took a sip of the beer to hide the uncomfortable, unwanted feeling he was giving me.

  “It was nice to see you again, Viper. And it was nice to meet you, Mongo.” I stood and picked up my towel. “I think I’ll get back to my friend.”

  I clenched my stomach as I spoke, fearing I would lose my nerve. I was so tired of getting pushed around.

  Mongo eyed Viper, who looked surprised that I answered him back. My timing to walk away was perfect, as the terrible Tara trio had just arrived. Now, they looked like they belonged here in their tiny bikinis and little skirts. Vincent was leading their way.

  “Viper, your friends are here.”

  Viper licked his lips and immediately dove under Tara, tossing her over his shoulder. She pounded his back as he ran to the water’s edge, jumping off a small dock, taking them both under. Her incessant giggling was beginning to grate on my nerves. I knew I was out of place, but I didn’t want to let her win. She’d done this to me for too many years. I’d missed out on things because she was a petty, jealous girl.

  “You want to swim?” Vincent wiped the sweat from his brow and cocked his head to the water.

  The sun danced on its surface and looked extremely inviting, but as hot as I was, I declined. “I didn’t bring a suit.”

  “Sissy probably has one you’d fit in.” He eyed my body like he thought we were built the same. A sensation rippled through me as his violet eyes met mine.

  “I’m fine,” I forced the words out. I was afraid if I looked at him any longer, I might agree to anything.

  “You can go in. I’m sure you’re hot.” Sweat trailed down his tan chest, over his tattoos, and down to his boxer shorts that peeked out the top of his jeans.

  “Well, at least come sit on the dock while I take a quick dip.” He took my hand, leading me about fifty yards from the rope swing. I could feel Tara’s devious stare in my direction.

  I kicked off my flip-flops and dangled my feet over the edge into the warm water. I tried not to look as Vincent’s jeans hit the wood decking with a thud.

  “You sure?” he asked again, melting my insides with the tempting look he gave me.

  “I’m sure.” I watched as Shannon went flying through the air again on the swing. At least she was enjoying herself.

  “Suit yourself.” With that, he took two steps back before taking a running leap into the cannonball that shot water straight up and all over me. I giggled, enjoying the feeling of the water on my skin. Vincent popped up smiling as he looked up from the water and sent a colossal splash in my direction.

  “You’re missing out. It feels really refreshing,” he sang.

  “I’ll join you,” a female voice called as she swam around the dock. Her boobs acted like giant floats.

  “Thanks, doll. I’m trying to get Maggie Grace here to be more adventurous.” He splashed me again, not paying the girl any mind.

  “Well, I’d be happy to be your swim partner, or any other kind of partner, anytime.”

  My ears burned at her words, and I was regretting not bringing a suit. Why couldn’t I be like all the other girls?


  Shannon and Maggie were diving into burgers as they shared one of the blankets we’d spread out. I took mine and settled between them.

  “The sun will be setting soon. I gotta run around and light all the torches before the skeeters get us.”

  “I brought plenty of repellant.” Maggie motioned to her bag. Her face was pink from the sun, and a sprinkle of freckles dotted her nose and cheeks.

  “The best part of the parties on the bayou is when the sun goes down.” Sissy plopped down between Magnolia and me, creating a barrier.

  “Are you girls going to head back? It can get pretty wild out here.” Sissy was trying to make them uncomfortable. She leaned back and put her head on my shoulder. Maggie’s face fell as Sissy began playing with my hair.

  “We will probably be leaving soon,” Shannon said as she took another huge bite of her burger, utterly oblivious to Maggie, who quietly nodded her head in agreement.

  I moved my body, giving Sissy a hint to scoot over. “I hope you’ll stay for the fireworks.” I began to stand and offered Maggie my hand. “Wanna help me light the torches? I have them all over the property, and if we hurry, we can see the best of the sunset up there.”

  Maggie looked surprised that I asked.

  “I’d love to see the sunset.” She tucked her hair behind her ear and accepted my hand.

  We strolled around the property, making small talk until we got to the clearing where the sun was blazing red and descending fast. I took off my shirt and p
laced it on the hood of an old truck sitting dead in the field. I jumped on the hood and patted the shirt next to me. “Hop up.”

  Maggie hesitated but then took my hand and let me guide her up. I leaned back against the windshield and lit a cigarette as I watched the purple and gray clouds swim across the sky.

  “So, Maggie, why did you volunteer to spend your perfectly free summer here in hell’s sauna Louisiana?”

  Maggie exhaled a long breath. “I’m pre-med going to college this fall, and I always wanted to spend summers visiting new places and helping people, instead of vacationing at some resort where you don’t even leave the property. When I saw the photos of the hit this area took after the hurricane, I don’t know, something in the people’s eyes, I just knew I wanted to come and help them restore the things they lost.” I could see she meant every word. Her voice had such determination.

  “How about you, Vincent? You obviously got here in a different way.” Her eyes connected with mine, waiting for the truth.

  “You know, me and Viper, we got ourselves in a little trouble. A police car and some spray paint were involved.” I shrugged and flicked the cigarette. “I bet you’ve never gotten into any trouble, am I right?” I cocked my eyebrow, glancing at her as a blush that matched the sky crept up her neck.

  “Well, unless you don’t count disobeying my parents and applying to college without their permission, accepting a scholarship, and agreeing to spend my summer in the swamp to their complete dismay. Then, no, I follow the rules.”

  I was a little stunned. “You did all that? I don’t understand.” I sat up and leaned on my elbow to face her. “Why would anyone’s parents be upset that their child got a scholarship or volunteered?”

  “It’s a long story. It’ll bore you.” She shook her head, blonde hair falling in her face.