A New Paige: Stained Souls MC - Book 2 Page 2
As soon as she exited the room, I got up and grabbed my chart with my results. I may not have finished nursing school, but I could read my own damn paperwork.
I scanned the pages: height, weight, gender, blood pressure, known allergies. On paper, I appeared healthy. Normal in all ranges. I glanced farther down the page.
Pregnancy test: negative. Duh.
Blood type: AB-
Blood pressure: 110/80.
Wait, what? I looked at my blood type again. AB-
That couldn’t be right. My parents were both type O. I knew because I used them in one of my bio classes, and I ran the tests three times to make sure I got 100 on the exercise. This made no sense. I had to be O.
I tossed and turned for two hours, the overthinker in me not able to let go of a possible error on my chart. When sleep still didn’t come, I decided to check on my sister myself. She would know, or at least her chart would confirm the result.
I placed the sticky-bottomed slipper socks on my feet and pulled a robe tight around me. I waited until no one was looking at the nurse’s station. I crept down the hall and found my way to my sister’s room.
Her room was empty when I entered. They must have taken her out for some testing. I immediately went for her chart at the door. If I was going to find out how my sister was, this was my opportunity.
I had just picked up the clipboard when I heard squeaky shoes just paces away. I quickly put the board back in its spot and jumped in the big guest chair at the foot of the bed.
“Hi, darlin’, are you waiting for Juliet?” The sugar-sweet nurse smiled at me while she retrieved the clipboard.
“Uh, yes. I’m her sister, Paige.” I swallowed hard, wondering if she was going to kick me out.
“She’ll be back in a few. We just needed to run some tests. You can wait here if you like.” She grabbed a clean blanket from a cart and handed it to me. “The remote to the TV is on the tray if you need it.” She was looking at the chart and writing notes. When she looked up again, she met my eyes.
“Are you okay?” She tucked the board back in the slot.
“Fine, thank you. Just tired.”
“Does Nurse Jaime know you’re up here?” Her eyebrow rose as she studied my face, waiting for an answer.
“Um...” My shoulders slouched in defeat. “No. But I just want to know how my sister is and no one is telling me anything, and I feel fine.”
“So you escaped, huh?” she said, and my heart sank. “Don’t worry, hunny, I won’t tell. Just stay put. Walking around will just draw attention to yourself.” She winked as she walked out.
I then rushed to the board and stayed close enough to the door so I could put it back quickly if I needed to.
Ana’s injuries were severe. She lost a lot of blood. She needed a transfusion—blood type, O. Just like Mom and Dad!
I made my way back to my room, but I got not a wink of sleep that night. When the doctor came to read my results the next day, I informed her of the mistake in my chart. She explained it wasn’t a mistake and then asked, considering that AB- was the rarest blood type, if I would consider donating blood to their bank once I was better.
I tried to put it out of my mind. I wasn’t one to let things go, and my overactive imagination had me thinking all sorts of things. Once I was out of this bed, I was ordering a DNA test kit so I could put this nonsense behind me. I needed answers and I wouldn’t get them here.
Chapter Two
“I don’t understand. You’re sure that’s what Paige said, that she wants to live alone? After everything she has just been through?”
“Yeah, I’m fucking sure. She’s got Juliet all upset, and I don’t need that shit when she’s coming home from the hospital tomorrow.” Rage wore a scowl as he observed the condition of the place. His disapproval was written on his face.
“This place is available, but for Paige, I don’t know. It’s kinda…gross,” I admitted.
Taking another drag of my cigarette, I scanned the studio that has been vacant the past few months. It was in dire need of cleaning and painting and just about everything else. I probably should have been a little more selective and put down some rules when letting my brothers and friends of the club rent it by the night while in town. Stale smoke stifled the air. I kicked trash out of the way as I tried to get the window by the fire escape to open. Its glass was now tinged yellow, and the sticky residue and old panes that swelled during the rain needed more force to open.
“Kai, are you even getting this? Paige is going to need protection. We don’t know the fallout that may come from the cartel. Just because we’re keeping her in Sugar Maple doesn’t mean she’s safe. Revenge can come from the cartel or the Devil’s Damned MC—we still don’t know how involved they were in all this.” Rage ran his hand over his head. “So I’m asking you, as a brother, to keep a good eye on her. Treat Paige like a sister. She’s young, and she’s been through a lot. She doesn’t need someone like you sniffing around after her.”
“Now hold on just a sec. What do you mean someone like me?”
“You know exactly what I mean.” He glared at me. “You could have every willing woman in the tri-county area—in fact, you probably had already—but this one is not for you.” he said, complete with an accusatory finger pointed at my chest.
If I painted the man green, he could double as The Hulk. He was just as enormous and when pissed off, the MMA fighter in him burst out in full force.
“Fine, fine. I have no plans on making the moves on her, anyway.”
“Look, man, I know you’re not exactly thrilled to babysit Paige, and you’re not exactly the first person I had in mind for the job. But I’m grateful that you’ve agreed to do all this. God knows why, but she seemed comfortable around you, so just please…” he said with his eyes level with mine, “keep your flavor-of-the-day ways to your own apartment, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, I got it. Geez, relax, will you?”
I really should have been insulted. Rage all but called me a man-whore to my face. But I let it slide because, well, I was kind of a man-whore, although I preferred to be called ladies’ man or maybe God’s gift to women.
“This place would take weeks to get ready, and you said she is looking for something by Saturday? That’s less than a week,” I reminded him.
Rage continued to walk around the apartment and opened the door to the bathroom.
“Damn, man.” He shook his head, pulling the shower curtain back. “Let me talk to Paige again. Maybe I can persuade her to stay with Ivy instead. Maybe Paige is just not thinking straight. Ivy did mention that she’s had issues with depression and anxiety since she was a kid.”
“Rage, man, I don’t think that’ll go over well.”
“And why the hell not?”
“You’re not the easiest person to talk to. Honestly, you’re kind of an asshole—I mean, you come off like an asshole.” I couldn’t hold back my smile.
“So I’m serious. Nothing’s wrong with that. Not everyone needs to live like an overgrown frat boy in a fucking smelly frat house. What? Did I hit a nerve?”
“Fuck you and your monogamy. You’re just fucking jealous.” I blew smoke out in his direction.
“Oh yeah, all this mess right here makes me so jealous,” he said as he made his way out.
“Just fucking call me later and let me know if I need to hire a major cleaning crew,” Rage yelled as he jogged down the grand maple staircase that was the center of the old quadruplex. His heavy steps rattled the old railing. “And fix this too! This whole goddamn place is falling apart!”
I rubbed my chin and really took a look at my building. Rage was right. It did need a lot of work. I have spent too many years partying and just doing the minimum. Disappointment in myself stabbed at my gut. Ripper would not have liked how I was carrying on with my life. I didn’t want Paige to see the place this way. She was a nice, proper girl, and I wanted her to have a nice, proper place to live.
“Ivy, I’ve told you already that I didn’t want to stay with anybody. I just want to be by myself for a while. I’m not the same little girl I was all those years ago, you know. I didn’t spend all that time in therapy and read every self-help book known to man so I could be a helpless baby in need of babysitting. I know you’re worried, but I’m going to be okay. I just need my space.”
Ivy’s eyes examined me like I was lying. Of course, I left out that I might have been adopted and I was now obsessed with finding out answers to questions that made no sense.
“Hunny,” she said in a hushed voice, and her eyes scanned the area for anyone overhearing. “You have just been through hell and back. You don’t have to act so strong. It’s okay to need people. And Paige, with your history of panic attacks, I wish you would reconsider and stay with me or your sister.”
I could tell everything Ivy said was coming from her heart, but she didn’t know who I was now. The little girl she grew up with no longer existed. Over the past four years, I have strengthened my mind like an Olympic athlete trained their body. I didn’t want to hurt her, but I needed to be on my own.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you, at least?” Ivy leaned in my truck’s door, her disappointment evident as we debated in front of the yoga studio she and Juliet owned.
“I’m sure, Ivy. Go open Fluid, I’ll be fine. I have my phone.” I waved it in the air. “There’s this app called Maps—you should totally try it. It works great, it’ll get you anywhere.”
“You’re funny.” She rolled her eyes. “There are dead areas here, ya know.”
“It’s only a few miles, so stop worrying.”
“Alright, Ms. Know-It-All, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Oh, and watch out for Eli’s Corner. It comes up fast. You should see the—”
I pressed my finger over her mouth. “Go to work. I’m good.” God, I was sick of being babied.
“Fine, have it your way. Why are you so disagreeable? Nothing like your sister.” She slammed the door closed and offered me a little wave.
I took a deep breath as I sat behind the wheel. Rage’s motorcycle club brought my old truck over here from Austin, along with some of my things. Before I was kidnapped, I actually had been getting ready to relocate, yet again, so my stuff had already been packed and ready to be moved. I pushed back the anger that made its way to the surface every time I remembered it was Juliet’s mess that had my life turned upside down over the past four years, while she was having a grand ol’ time over here with a best friend, a business, a man…
Deep breath, Paige. Deep breath.
Maps showed that 552 Locust Lane was only eight minutes away. I could do this. There were a few twists and turns but nothing I couldn’t handle. I was more worried about seeing my new landlord.
I applied some light gloss to my lips. I didn’t want to look like a total hag when I met Kai. My cheeks instantly flamed as Kai’s face began to materialize in my mind. His perfect face with all its hard lines, the tiny dimple on his chin, his eyes that could see through your soul, and his lips… I willed myself not to think of him like that. Maybe my brain was just dreaming up how good looking Kai was as a coping mechanism, to distract me from thinking about my blood test?
I listened to Instructions from Meditation as I drove.
“You are the master of your mind,” the male voice said. “Now repeat. I’m the master of my mind.”
“I’m the master of my mind,” I repeated.
“Take the next left on Elm, then turn right,” the GPS said. Ugh! I turned and forced myself to focus on the audio again.
“Again. Louder,” the guru commanded.
“I’m the master of my mind!” I repeated it, louder, over and over.
I must have missed some GPS instructions because before I knew it, there was suddenly a fork in the road—Eli’s Corner. Crap! I was approaching it too fast. Which way was I supposed to stay? I looked at the map, which had been replaced by a blank grid.
I looked up in time to yank the steering wheel to the left, trying not to run off the road. Swerving, I made it, narrowly missing the Slow sign. My brakes locked.
Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, the sirens blared and blue flashing lights appeared in my rearview mirror.
Great! This is just what I need.
The officer’s SUV parked behind me. Through the mirror, I could see the trooper come out, place his trooper hat on, and approach my truck.
Breathe, Paige. You just missed the turn. It will be fine.
I did the first thing that came to mind. I fixed my boobs. Tugging the tank top low under my overalls. I might not have been the best driver, but yes, I was an expert at getting out of tickets.
I rolled the window down as he stopped at my side.
“Morning, Officer.” I looked at the tall and unexpectedly handsome cop.
His eyes dove straight to my chest, then he smiled and tipped his hat.
“Morning, ma’am. Are you okay? You swerved pretty hard, almost taking out the sign.” His voice was almost a chuckle.
“Yes, Officer. I’m alright. I’m so sorry. I’m not from around here. My GPS blinked out, and I wasn’t sure which way to go…” I fluttered my eyelashes and gave my best lost-puppy gaze, twirling my hair. “Honestly, I’m kind of relieved you pulled me over,” I said flirtatiously.
He straightened to his full height and lifted his sharp jaw. “You are, are you?” There was a hint of flirtation to his voice too.
“Yes, sir. I could have gotten really lost out here without my GPS.” I bit my lip.
“Navigating these roads can be tricky if you don’t know where you’re going. Texas plates, I see. May I please have your license and registration?”
“Sure, Officer…” I looked at the tag on his chest. “Officer Jones.”
I made quick work of getting the license from my wallet and the plastic sleeve from my glove compartment. When I handed it to him, I noticed he had been checking out what I had in my truck—bleach, tarps, tape… Oh God, good thing I didn’t have a shovel and a bloody baseball bat.
“Ma’am, where are you headed?” The flirtatious look he previously adorned was now completely gone.
“I’m headed to…” I looked at the address scribbled on the paper next to my phone. “552 North Locust Lane.”
A small scowl crossed his face. “And why would you be going there, Ms. Conti?”
But before I could answer—
“Can you please step out of the vehicle?” His voice was now stern.
“Officer, I’m really sorry for swerving. I just wanted to get to my new apartment and—”
“Miss, I need you to step out of the car now.”
As I began to open the door, a loud rumble erupted and I saw a motorcycle approaching. My chest seized. It was Kai. Officer Jones took a step away from my truck as Kai parked next to the officer’s SUV, practically jumping from his bike.
“Paige, you okay?’ He ignored the officer, who stood stoic with arms crossed.
I gave Kai two quick nods.
“Kai, this is none of your concern. Get back on your bike and head wherever you were going before I give you a ticket.”
“Doug, why the fuck are you hassling her? What did she do?”
“She nearly ran over the sign and off the road. She’s in a truck full of tarps, tape, and bleach, headed to your house of sin. Tell me, what should I be thinking, Kai?”
“Oh, that’s funny. What, you think she’s getting rid of a dead hooker at my building? She’s my new tenant, genius! She’s moving in and cleaning up! She’s new around here and could use help, not hassling.”
Kai and Officer Jones moved behind my vehicle. I tried to hear them, to no avail, but it was obvious the two had a history.
“Kai, get back on your bike and wait for her. We will be done here in a moment.”
Kai’s eyes caught mine in the mirror and gave me a nod.
“Paige… Victoria… Conti.” He l
et the words marinate as he shook his head. He held my license and registration out and motioned for me to take them. My hand reached out for the items, but he kept his grip on them.
“Ms. Conti, I don’t know what you’re doing here all the way from Texas, but you should really choose better company. You may believe he is your friend…” He pulled his aviators down, letting his eyes connect with mine. “But Kai and the rest of the Stained Souls are no one’s friends. You’d do well to remember that. It would be a shame to see a beautiful girl like you ruined by any of those thugs.”
He released the cards and pushed his glasses back on his face. “I’m letting you off with a warning today. You have a good rest of your day, ma’am.”
How embarrassing.
Kai pulled up beside me on his bike.
“You okay?” he yelled over the loud engine.
“I’m fine. Can we just go?”
He looked at me and grinned a soul-melting grin that stretched his chin dimple and stole my breath.
“Let’s go, doll… Try and keep up.”
His strong arms and hands revved his bike to life, his long leg stretched over the seat, and I involuntarily found myself licking my lips.
“How the hell am I going to live next to this man?” I mumbled as I followed him, strands of his long hair blowing in the wind.
The girl had been in town a week, and already Officer Doug Jones was sniffing around. I could see it in the fucker’s eyes. He wanted her. Now, Jones and I had had some bad blood over the years, but I nearly lost it when I saw the way he looked at her. Didn’t help that she had her fucking glorious tits on full display. Shit, any man would be putty in her hands. One look into those piercing purple eyes... The way she puckers her pretty pink lips when she speaks... I would bet she had brought many men to their knees. Fuck, why was I even thinking of her? She was OFF-LIMITS. It was my job to watch over her, not get in her pants. Oh God, her fucking pants. Those short and perfectly sculpted legs… And that ass…
I pulled in the lot and pointed to the open space near the porch. I lit my smoke and strolled toward her. She stretched her arms above her head before rummaging in her truck.