A New Paige: Stained Souls MC - Book 2 Page 3
“You really came prepared,” I said. I could see her truck was filled with supplies.
“Yeah, well, Rage kinda spilled that the apartment had been vacant awhile and was…” She was trying to find a nice word to sanitize whatever Rage had told her.
“A real fucking disaster,” I supplied.
“Well, yeah, that’s about what he said.”
She gathered her purse and keys and began to follow me.
“I was hoping to drop this stuff off and have a look. I really appreciate you renting me the place,” she said.
“No worries. I told Rage that I would take care of the mess and could have it ready in a few weeks.”
“No, you don’t have to do that,” she said, her voice soaring a few octaves. “Um, I mean, I love cleaning. It’s kind of my thing—it helps me think. Besides, I’m ready to be on my own, and I really don’t mind.”
We climbed the stairs to the third floor.
“Don’t say you haven’t been warned.”
Turning the key, I opened the door to the studio and stepped inside. I watched as Paige’s eyes widened, but she didn’t say a word. She inspected the main area, then attempted to look out the dingy window. Her one eyebrow arched as her eyes shifted to mine.
I sucked in a breath. “I know, I know.”
She moved into the tiny kitchen area with appliances from the fifties and a small peninsula counter. A murphy bed with no mattress was on the far wall.
“I’ll fix that and have a brand-new mattress delivered.”
I still had no idea what she was thinking. I bet it was “get me the fuck out of this disgusting hole, you slum lord.”
“Kai,” she finally said.
I scrunched my face, waiting for a scolding. But Paige’s face had a giant gleaming smile as she bounced up and down.
“I love it. It’s perfect.”
She really must have hit her head hard that night.
“Well, perfect isn’t the word I’d use.”
She was practically skipping from wall to wall, doing measurements with her hands the way a photographer would.
“Do you care what colors I paint?” Her voice was almost giddy.
“No, doll. It’s all yours to fix up whatever way you want.” I couldn’t help but smile at her excitement.
“When can I start?”
“I’ll tell you what, I have a prospect coming over to help me later. We’ll remove the old furniture since the dumpster gets emptied tomorrow, then you can start anytime you’d like.”
I began taking the keys from my ring. “Here you go. This one opens the main door. This is the apartment key, and this is for the mailbox.” I pointed to the #5.
The moment the keys dropped into her hand, she propelled from the floor and jumped on me, throwing her arms around my neck.
“Thank you, Kai! Thank you so much!”
I inhaled the citrus scent of her hair. Before I realized what I was doing, my arms were around her. I lifted her body against mine, spinning her in a circle.
“No problem, babe.”
The sun was blazing but provided little warmth this early December day. I didn’t know quite what I was expecting from Ivy’s brief description of this small Georgia town nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains. But it certainly wasn’t this gorgeous place. Sugar Maple was utterly a 21st-century remodel, with high-rise condos, cobblestone sidewalks and new storefronts, while the outskirts were left untouched.
It was decided it would be best for me to stay here so I could be under Stained Souls’ protection from the cartel. If I had my choice, I would have moved someplace else, somewhere far, far away. But this tiny town was growing on me.
I unloaded the back of my small dented old pickup armed with the latest batch of cleaning supplies. I smiled, staring up at the tall trees surrounding the old multiplex building that I would soon call home. It might not be luxury, it was in dire need of paint and new windows, but it had character and was my own place to live.
I grabbed my coffee and tiny cooler and headed toward the steps. As old as the building looked, the bikes parked out front were all very new and shiny in comparison to the faded wood with peeling paint that did nothing to show off the character of the large southern covered wrap-around porch.
I struggled to find my key while balancing the cleaning supplies, coffee, and bags.
“Wait, let me help you.”
I nearly dropped everything I was so startled by the smooth voice that came from behind me. The tiny hairs on my arms stood. I didn’t have to look to know it was Kai.
“Geez, you scared the heck out of me. But thanks, Kai, that would be great.” I smiled shyly as he reached out and took the bags, beautiful tattoos covering his muscular arm like a sleeve.
“You should have yelled for help. There’s always someone hanging around.”
His long brown hair was still wet, and the smell of Irish Spring soap clung to his body. The white V-neck tee he wore stretched over his chest. Then he flashed that bad-boy grin. Holy mother…
“I…I was…” I lost the ability to form a complete, coherent sentence.
Paige, get ahold of yourself.
“I was just trying to find my key,” I said.
“The door’s unlocked. That’s usually the case when a few people are hanging out here.”
The grand staircase was massive and stained a dark shade. It led to the two apartments upstairs—Kai’s and my studio beside it. There were two others on the first floor with tenants I have yet to meet.
The building had an aged smell to it, not bad, just old. I guess I’d stay in shape living here just climbing the stairs a few times a day. We reached the door to my studio and I pulled out my key. When the door opened, the smell of pine from yesterday’s cleaning session took over.
“Can you please put those here?” I pointed to the now gleaming wood floor of the small kitchen.
“Wow, it’s so…clean.” Kai turned around, looking at the work I’d done over the past week.
“I feel bad you needed to do so much to move in. I told Rage we’d take care of it for you.”
I shook my head. “No way, you guys have done enough. Besides, I’m more of a do-it-yourself type. I like things my way.” I shrugged my shoulder and opened my coffee. “I’d offer you half if you have a mug.”
“Nah, I’m good. Thanks, though. I just had an energy drink, and I’m gonna head to the gym. Do you need anything else brought up?”
“No, this should be the last of the cleaning supplies before I begin painting tomorrow. I want to get it done—all my stuff is coming on Friday.”
“Paige, darlin’, we can have someone paint. You don’t have to do all this work. I know Grimm, the last resident, left it pretty nasty, and you have already done so much.”
He pulled a cigarette from his pack that was tucked in the pocket of his tee under his MC vest—his cut, as they called it.
“Uh…yeah, I did, and…” I reached for the lighter he was bringing to his mouth. “So, sorry, no smoking in here, big guy. I know it’s your building, but I really prefer clean air.” I smiled my best I-don’t-mean-to-insult-you smile.
“Oh shit, sorry.” He tucked the cigarette back into its pack. “Bad habit.”
“Yeah, it is. You work out, you should really quit.”
“Maybe someday.” He began to walk out. “Alright, I gotta go. I’ll catch ya later.”
He held open the door, but he just stood there, not moving, just looking at me like there was something more he wanted to say. I held his gaze—his eyes were the greenest I’d ever seen.
Then a whiny voice called from his apartment. “Kai… Kai, baby, you said you’d wake me before you left.”
She appeared in his doorway, wearing only an oversized white tank that I was sure was Kai’s. Damn, who wakes up that beautiful? Her blond hair was tousled, the I-just-had-sex-with-a-god look. Her smudged eye makeup had a sexy smoky appearance. And her enormous boobs had their nipples poking
through the tank. She was obviously feeling a bit chilly.
“Kai, who the fuck is she?”
Classy. I walked over and extended my hand. “I’m Paige, Kai’s new neighbor, nice to fuckin’ meet ya.”
I might have pushed my boobs out a little and swung my hips in the way that always gets me catcalls and free drink offers.
“Angel, I didn’t want to wake you, I’m grabbing my bag and heading to the gym.”
She smiled sweetly as he walked toward her. “Sorry, I was so tired from all the fucking we did, I didn’t hear you get up.” She stared at me as she spoke each word.
I just rolled my eyes, shook my head, and slammed my door shut.
Chapter Three
“Please be careful with that. It’s an antique.” I winced as I watched the movers carry my grandmother’s apothecary cupboard into my small studio apartment. It took over a week for me to clean and paint, but it was now just about the way I wanted it. Soothing green paint on the walls complemented the stainless-steel racks holding my plants. I only had one wall to finish, and that could wait until I got a job.
“Right there is perfect! Thank you, guys.” I stepped toward the dark-stained piece using all my might to push the impossibly heavy cabinet over two more inches.
A chuckle came from the door. “Need any help? It doesn’t look like it wants to budge, at least for your tiny little arms. Maybe some muscle would make it move.” A crooked smile flashed across Kai’s face as he flexed his long arms, waving his fists in the air to show off his muscle. If I weren’t so exhausted, I would have been amused.
“Well, these tiny muscles are all I have. I want everything in place before I fall over with exhaustion. The movers were supposed to get here early this morning, but they got stuck in traffic, and then they got lost trying to find this tiny-ass town.” I huffed and crossing my arms.
“Don’t worry. I got big muscles and I’m here to help. And that’s not all I got that’s big.” He waggled his eyebrows, and I couldn’t help but laugh at his shameless joke.
I found the nearest pillow to chuck at him. “I’m so glad you find this amusing.”
We’d developed a healthy banter over the past week. And I would even say we were becoming good friends. Now, I did have a crush on the guy—but that was all, a harmless girly crush, nothing more. I had no desire to join the nightly parade of women who came through his doors.
“Ma’am, where do you want these?”
“Just put them against that wall, and I will deal with those boxes tomorrow.” I rubbed at my temples, trying to soothe the migraine that was building.
“I’m here now, Tink. What can I do?”
Tink? Did Kai think he was giving me one of those nicknames he calls his women when he can’t remember their names? Now I was actually annoyed. I moved to the door and gave him a sweet smile. I placed my palm on his chest and pushed him out the rest of the way.
“I’m fine, Kai, go do whatever, or whoever, you were doing before.”
The mover giggled from behind me. “That was the last of the boxes. Can you sign these?” He held his pen out and handed me a clipboard, pointing to the x and blank line.
I signed the paper and tipped the men. “Can I get you guys another drink to go?”
“No, we’re good. Thanks, ma’am.”
“Wait.” Kai looked around. His eyes scanned the room and inspected the boxes.
“Kai, what are you looking for?”
“The movers forgot your TV!”
I closed my eyes, shaking my head. “No, Kai, they didn’t forget the TV. I don’t have one.”
His hand went to his chest. “What? Are you kidding me? No TV?”
“No TV. It’s a distraction. I got my computer, books, and goals.”
“But that means you don’t watch—”
“No, I don’t watch.” I began pushing him to the door behind the movers.
“Have a good night, all of you.” I began to close the squeaky door behind them. And Kai, who looked like he thought I was kidding, had his mouth hanging open as it shut.
“Good night, Kai,” I yelled through the closed door, knowing he was still in the hall.
“Good night, Tink.”
I rolled my eyes and rubbed at my head again. I looked longingly at the new, soft mattress that covered the old murphy. Maybe I’d tuck in early tonight. I went to the kitchen to fix myself some tea and I noticed my farmer’s market sign that was leaning against the kitchen cabinet: Goddess Tinctures and CBD. I used to sell medicinal CBD back in Texas, which was something I was planning on doing here as well. Maybe that’s where he got the name Tink?
As exhausted as I was, I couldn’t fall asleep. I got up and rummaged through my bag to find Mr. Nibbles, my little pink stuffed rabbit that I had slept with since I was a little girl. He was ratty, but he always made me feel safe and at home.
I slid the old window up and used a wooden wedge to hold it open as I got out on the fire escape. This morning’s warm weather was replaced by the chilly mountain air, which swirled into my apartment. This time of night, I usually had music on while I entertained a female guest. But tonight, I wanted to keep things quiet for Paige.
I pulled the tightly rolled joint from my cigarette pack. The lighter clicked as the flame touched the end. The paper sizzled as I sucked in the smooth green, brightening the orange ember at its end. Holding my breath for a moment, my lungs filled before I slowly breathed out the clouds of smoke. Fuck, yeah.
If I leaned against my chimney, I could see through her newly cleaned, bare windows. One of Paige’s windows was cracked open a few inches, and the sweet sound of blues crept out to the fire escape. I could see her sleeping; tucked between her arms was a pink stuffed animal.
I usually didn’t go looking through women’s windows. But since the very night I rescued her, a part of me felt like I needed to watch over her. She put on a brave front, but somewhere inside her was the terrified girl I saved that night. I still wasn’t sure what she was thinking, living here alone.
Paige has been under my skin since the day I found her. When I followed the man who was carrying her out of the building where she was held captive, it took only a moment for our eyes to meet and my protective nature took over. She needed me, and I wasn’t letting him get away with her.
Saving Paige unearthed some memories I had from long ago…from the time I saved another woman, my mother. I was just a boy when my mother was attacked by the man she thought she had escaped. Little did I know, that would be the night that shaped the rest of my life.
Mama and I were hiding in the bedroom when a drunken Charles busted in our apartment.
“Leave my mama alone!” I shouted, tugging his arms. That earned me a back hand to the face. I hit the floor with a thud. I tried not to cry as I watched helplessly as he climbed on top of her.
Scrambling to my feet, I did the only thing I could think of: Go to my neighbor for help. My mama warned me to stay away from the big biker and his scary friends, but this was an emergency. I ran out of the house half-dressed, holding my throbbing cheek. I banged on the man’s door until it opened.
“Please, mister, you have to help my mama. He’s going to kill her. Please.”
The man’s eyes were dark. He grabbed a knife from his pants. “Show me.”
I took the steps two at a time, and Ripper followed me. When we got to the apartment, Charles had her on the floor by the throat. She was thrashing, her nightgown ripped, tears streaming down her face.
“Get out of here! This is none of your business,” Charles yelled.
Ripper flew across the room. He tore Charles off her and tossed him to the floor.
“None of my business? You raping a woman in my town is my fucking business.” Ripper used his long knife to point to the Stained Souls tattoo on his bare chest. “Everything that happens here is my business,” Ripper growled in his ear.
I ran to my mama, who
was coughing and holding her neck and chest.
Ripper lifted Charles off the floor and punched him square in the face. Blood sprayed out of his nose before he dropped him. Charles whined and curled into a ball.
When Ripper leaned over my mother, checking on her, Charles pulled a gun from his boot.
“How tough are you now, biker?” He spat blood on the floor.
Ripper just laughed and twirled his knife, egging him on. I watched in awe as he disarmed him of the gun and had his knife to his throat in a second. Charles was on his knees, begging for mercy.
After that night, there was nothing my mama could do or say that would keep me away from Ripper. I saw his power, and I wanted to grow up to be just like him and have the ability to never let a man hurt a woman if I could do anything about it.
I watched Paige for a while longer. I couldn’t seem to tear myself away. I was completely drawn to her by some kind of pulling force I couldn’t fully explain. I tried to hide it with friendship and jokes, but each time those purple eyes met mine, I just knew I would never let anyone hurt her again.
The rise and fall of her chest indicated the depth of her sleep. Rage had told me to be a good babysitter and keep a close eye on her. Well, I did spend a lot of time watching her, that’s for sure.
I watched her earlier today with the movers. Paige didn’t even notice me when I pulled up on my bike. She was too busy being the tiny control freak and bossing the poor movers around. Her blond ponytail bobbed up and down as she yelled instructions. Her green tank top showed off too much cleavage, and her matching green spandex pants hugged her perfect round ass. A piece of me wanted to go wrap my sweatshirt around her when she was yelling at the movers about breaking something. They just stared at her tits. When she stomped her foot and her ponytail shook, holy shit, I finally realized who that pouty-lip beauty reminded me of—my very first crush as a child, Tinker Bell. Her toe tapped and her face got even redden when the men just stood with blank faces, like she was speaking a foreign language, waving her hands in the air. I tried hard to suppress my laughter, but watching her was so entertaining.